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How much is the online plan/license price/cost?

Cloud licenses are purchased on 1, 6 or 12 month term, for each unique user name used to login. A single license/user can plan an unlimited number of resources, employees, staff, clients, rooms etc and many users, each with a license, can work simultaneously in the same account.

The latest online prices can be found on our Prices page /purchaseonline.php.

There are no longer higher prices for full admins, part admins, planners, remote users, and read only. To simplify pricing, every user is the same price and you choose the level of access you want them to have.

Each unallocated license is allocated to the first user that requests access. Once allocated it is not assigned to anybody else. The licenses are not just used for concurrent or floating users. When the user logs off their license is not made available for other users as its already been allocated so you need enough licenses to cover all your users. Batch licenses at discounted prices are available.

You can reset the allocated online licenses on your account and free all licenses to remove any names that no longer use the service. As an Administrator of your account, using a browser, login to your online account and choose the Account Settings page, View Allocation and press Reset.

(license,price,costs,value,amount, purchase)
Last updated, 2 January 2013, 11:24

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