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Filtering your Schedule Views and Reports.

The filter is used to narrow the information shown in all your views and reports. You can apply or modify a filter by selecting Open Filters from the Views menu or quick filter list. Once a filter is applied it could effect all views and reports until it is cancelled. These can be saved for common searches and filtering, then selected from your filter list.

NOTE: There are 2 very different parts to a filter that effect different parts of your schedule and reports.

Event Filter

The Event Filter allows you to filter your Events based on date, field data and the resources tagged, or not tagged, in those events. All views and reports that have events are effected by this filter like Calendar Month, List, Gantt and Map.

Group and Resource Filter

The Resource Filter allows you to filter your Groups and Resources. Only views and reports that have resources are effected by this filter like Timeline and Dashboard.

An example of views and reports that include groups and resources include the Timeline View and Sample Report 2. The resource filter will have no effect on views and reports that have no groups or resources like the List View, Gantt View or Sample Report 1 as these just lists events.

Some views and reports have both resources and events like the Dashboard or Sample Report 2 so both filters can be used to filter different parts of the view and report.

Saved Filters

If you have a list of filters you run often you can save these and access them quickly from the filter dropdown list.

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Last updated, 9 July 2019, 07:21

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