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' not running due to long running script'

Normally this message is only seen when using old versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or other older browsers and relates to the time your browser is taking to draw the events. If you allow the script to finish it will complete but you may see the message a few times. You can also change the view to show less events on screen at one time by reducing the days or resource that are visible.

To benefit from some of the new features in modern browsers we send all events to your browser and allow your browser to draw them in the correct place on the screen. Older browsers can struggle when you have many events on screen at one time as they often have very slow scripting engines.

If you can change your browser to Chrome or Safari or IE10, which are much faster than any older browsers, you should no longer see any messages about slow running scripts.

Last updated, 24 April 2013, 14:52

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