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Video - How can select multiple events at once for batch actions?

Since version 7.7.90 batch selecting of events can now be done in the Schedule View by holding down the Control key whilst left clicking each event. You can see the selected events in the pop-up information balloon. Once the Control key is released a menu will open allowing you to perform many batch operations. If you resize, move or try to edit an event whilst still holding the Control key the batch selection mode is cancelled.

It is also possible to use the Search window to find events with a common data value in a field, common series ID and any other common data point, then from the 'options button' you can perform the same batch operations.

If you have problems viewing this video you can also view it at the main YouTube website by clicking this link.

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(mass, selecting, batch, ctrl, multiple, event, jobs, copy, delete, move, export, print)
Last updated, 11 October 2013, 13:54

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