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I get this message... "The event could not be... as a desktop sync is active."

If you receive the message 'The event could not be added or updated as a desktop sync is active. Please wait a few seconds then try again, or ask your office to resync, this is due to your office being in the middle of a synchronization between your office database and your online database. This message should clear in a few seconds.

If this message does not clear after a few minutes check with your office to see if there is a sync error or message on their desktop software that needs attention. They can resync to clear any issues from the menu Tools > Web Sync.

It is also possible for you to force the synchronizing to abort from the online Account Setting page > Edit Account Settings > tick the option 'Reset Desktop Sync Warning' and press Save.

Last updated, 19 September 2016, 18:55

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