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Login details not recognized, user name not found or incorrect or user name/password error.

If you are having problems with your login details not being recognised, but you are sure they are entered correctly, then please check the details match exactly with those from your account. From your Account Settings, Users page you can click your name to change the password.

Try to login using our App if you are using a browser, or use your browser if you are using our app, and see if you can then login by manually entering your login details. Also try a different device.

1, The most common cause of login details not being recognised when used on a tablet or mobile device is that when manually typing many devices can be set to automatically add a space after a word which is impossible to see, also they can also be set to capitalise the first letter which can be missed in the password box. Manually remove all login details and type them one character at time to be sure they entered are just as they need to be.

2, If copying pasting then count the number of characters that are pasted as it is easy to copy a space or line break from an email that gets pasted into the login form causing it to fail.

3, Get another user, or you if you can login via your desktop browser, change your login name to TEST, then try to login again to see if this works.

Once login details have been entered it is possible your device will remember them and enter them automatically the next time you try. If they were not correct the first time, then incorrect details could be prefilled for you. Manually remove all login details and type them to be sure they are just as they need to be. Be sure to remove any old login details stored in your Auto Fill options.

By following the steps above, this normally resolves all login issues we have encountered, or it points you to the reason the login may have been failing, but please contact us if you have tried all the above and still have no access on some devices.

username, user name, password, not recognised,error
Last updated, 24 April 2018, 17:24

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