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Add/integrate live from Google Calendar, Outlook, Office 365 using Zapier?

There are 2 options to share events with other calendars:

1, Use iCal links to share appoinments both ways. See more on using iCal here

2, Use Zapier to create deeper live integrations shown below.

You can create a link between your calendar or the personal calendars of your employees, and Schedule it. Then you can see what is booked (or just time slots) so double bookings are not made. You can also create your own API integration or use our partnership with Zapier to do this for you. You do need a Zapier account for this integration.

Using Google as an example, you can add an appointment into your personal Google calendar and this can be added as an event to a resources schedule in Schedule it. The event can also be updated if the matching appointment in Google is changed, and be removed if the matching appointment in google is deleted.

Google Calendar Integration

There are 3 steps to integrate your Google calendar depending on the level you need.

1 - Add new Google appointments to Schedule it when added in Google.

When this happens...
Google Calendar
Google CalendarNew Event
Then do this...
Schedule it
Schedule itCreate Event

Add this step

2 - Update Google appointments in Schedule it when they are updated in Google.

When this happens...
Google Calendar
Google CalendarNew or Updated Event
Then do this...
Schedule it
Schedule itUpdate Event/Task

Add this step

3 - Delete Google appointments from Schedule it when they are deleted in Google.

When this happens...
Google Calendar
Google CalendarEvent Cancelled
Then do this...
Schedule it
Schedule itDelete Event/Task

Add this step

Outlook/Office 365 Calendar Integration

There are 2 steps to integrate your Outlook calendar depending on the level you need.

1 - Add new Office 365 appointments to Schedule it when added in Office 365.

When this happens...
Outlook Calendar
Office 365 CalendarNew Event
Then do this...
Schedule it
Schedule itCreate Event

Add this step

2 - Update Office 365 appointments in Schedule it when they are updated in Office 365.

When this happens...
Outlook Calendar
Office 365 CalendarNew or Updated Event
Then do this...
Schedule it
Schedule itUpdate Event/Task

Add this step

Last updated, 30 August 2023, 15:26

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