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Using your own From address for email alerts

In your Account Settings > Email page you can choose to change the default From address that our emails will use.

To improve deliverability but still let your users know its from your company you can change the name but leave the address as our server that is sending the email. For example... Your Company Name <>

If you do change the From address including the domain you MUST set your domains SPF records otherwise email servers will just think we are pretending to be you without your permission and put our emails in your users Spam or Junk folders or just never deliver them.

We use Mailgun and Sendinblue to send our emails. This is an example of a SPF record that will be need to be added as a TXT record in your domain.

v=spf1 ~all

Note: We do not sign use DKIM for our emails so this must not be enabled on your domain to guarantee reliable delivery.
Last updated, 2 June 2022, 09:50

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