
The Number One Productivity Killer in the Workplace

Mark Ballanceby Mark Ballance "Time Saving Addict"
Last updated on Aug 4, 2015

It's one thing to create a schedule for a single person, but when it comes to keeping schedules, shift plans, task lists and resources scheduled between a large number of people - things start to get complicated.

If you are in charge of work scheduling, task or project management in your workplace you know that productivity can suffer if you don't have a full schedule and the information you need.

The number one mistake is not using a scheduling system to schedule everyday work, tasks, projects and shifts for all your resources in a single application. Here are the areas you should have covered in your scheduling system:

Easily Accessible Work & Shift Planning

When employees have to constantly get in touch with managers to find out there schedule, the managers lose a lot of time and the employees lack reliability. There should be a system in place in every workplace, whether your schedules are repetitive and constant or often vary, where employees can see when they are working and easily request and put in for time off.

When this type of system is implemented to amount of miscommunication, sudden call outs and scheduling conflicts will decrease immensely. Managers should be able to easily create a schedule, give time off to employees without major issues and track attendance and sick time.

Workplace Task Lists and Workload Schedules

When your employees arrive to work do they know what to work on that day or do they report to their manager over and over again through out the day to check in with their tasks and find out what to do next? While some positions may have the same tasks each day, other positions have tasks and appointments that vary.

Managers can limit the surprises and time spent explaining what needs to get done each day by implementing a system that schedules repeating tasks and appointments and tasks that come up on a day-to-day basis.

Full Resource Coverage

If you have ever project managed a large task, you know that scheduling various resources can be tough. Between employees balancing regular tasks with specific project tasks, independent contractors in and out of the workplace and things like tools, equipment and materials to complete a job you need a system to save you time and let you easily plan all your resources.

Your resource scheduling system should be able to tell you who is working on what each day and what resources they will need. Employees and contractors should be able to check into the platform each day to see what they are working on instead of checking in with the project manager, wasting time and decreasing productivity.

All of the above should be able to be managed in one secure and easy to manage system. With 'Schedule it' you can manage workloads, tasks, shifts and resources in their easy to use, drag and drop platform. You can start your free trial today to see if it is the right program for you.

Let us know what you find is the hardest area to schedule and manage in the workplace? We would love to hear your thoughts!
Last updated, 27 July 2015, 08:59

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