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Is there a view/read only license option available?

For every user in your database you can set the level of access they have. This can be read only, full access, and many levels in-between. There are no longer higher prices for full admins, part admins, planners, remote users, and read only. To simplify pricing, every user is the same price and you choose the level of access you want them to have.

From your Account Settings > Users page you can set the access levels of users to read only and others to have add and edit access.

You can choose any account type you need for your company based on the backup, priory support, and other features you may need. You can only have 1 account type and all licenses are purchased for that account type. It is not possible to mix licenses as priority support, backups etc must either be on or off for all users and data in your account.

Here is a list of other methods of sharing the schedule...

Last updated, 5 April 2024, 10:51

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