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I cannot see all the events or some are hidden

From the menu Help > License and Registration Details, check the license type you have.

The trial version of Schedule It is active for an unlimited period of time. This allows you to setup all your resources, import all your data, and make any customisations and integrations you need before purchasing a full license.

Due to the unlimited setup and test time that you have the number of visible events is limited. If you are in trial mode the software will limit the amount of events that can be viewed or added. If you have exceed this limit some events will be hidden and not shown until a valid license key is entered.

You can still use the software and enable a filter to view less resources or work on a smaller period of time so you can see all the events in this range. The main Search can also be used to access your events within a smaller date range so you can view these events.

Last updated, 8 May 2015, 11:59

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