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Importing data into your online account database

From your Account Settings > Import you can import groups, resources, events and users into your online database.

When importing from a CSV file, TXT file or a pasted list, you do not need the columns in a specific order as when you proceed to import you are then asked to match each column of data you imported with a field in your database.

When you start an import some same data will be shown to give an example of what is expected in your file. This can be deleted.

If your data is currently in Excel or other format you will need to save as/or export to a CSV file. Each line in your file must represent a unique group, resource, event or user.

Importing Groups
Each group line must have 1 column including the group name.

Importing Resources
Each resource line must have 1 column including the resource name.

Importing Events
Each event line must have 2 columns including the start and end of the event in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm)

Importing Users
Each user line must have 3 columns including the full name, email address and login name.
Last updated, 2 August 2022, 10:13

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